PP 0
GP 2509
SP 500
CP 700
Gem 50gp x6
Silver Galactic Credits x1000
Wine Cask 50gp x2
Silver Jewelry 500gp
Dwarven Crown 1000gp
Blessed Hammer of Moradin, 1500gp
Deeds of Borin Oathkeeper, Gold Bound Book
Traveler’s Map of the Region
Dungeon Map - Chamber of Souls™, Witchwood
Border Keep Map
Mad Hermit’s Tree
Caves of Chaos
Entrances to Kharak Azul Map
Understone Keep
AAA Underdark Map
Chaos Dwarf Mine Map
From Brawn of the Deepway Merchants
Adamantium ingots on the 3rd level
Unclaimed Equipment
+1 Battleaxe
+1 Studded Leather
Ornate Dwarven Plate x2
Horseshoes of Zephyr
Lance of the Horse Lord
- Advantage on animal handling while mounted
Dungeoneering Kit x4
Adventuring Kit x4
Unclaimed Magic
8th Level Scroll, Control Weather
5th Level Scroll, Bigby’s Hand
Medpack (4d4+4) x4
Potion of Supreme Healing (10d4+20)
Potion of Greater Healing (4d4+4) x6
Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
Potion of Climbing
Potion of Flying
Potion of Vitality
Dwarven Control Rod
Dwarven Borin Coin x9
Notable Items - Beskar
+2 Architect’s Maul
Stone Shape
Wall of Stone
Greater Stone Shape
+1 Longsword of Light
Rocket Launcher 8d6 x1
Full Plate (Silent)
Helmet (Darkvision)
Periapt of Health
Boots of Flying
+1 Chainmail
Handy Haversack
Scroll of Revivify
Potion of Cure Disease
Portable Power Cell
Blacksmith Tools
Black & Decker Tools
200yo Corellian Brandy Keg
Beskar Ingots x3
Notable Items - C’Nut
+3 Arrows x6
+1 Scimitar
+1 Arrow x16
+1 Hand Crossbow
Bracers of Archery
Megaphone, double range on verbal Bard abilities
Quill of Dictation
Lockpick Kit
Martack’s Journal
Barn of Holding
Dust of Sneezing and Choking
Tentacle Monster Pond Water
Well Beast Water
Notable Items - Niaelo
+2 Darksaber (Black Sunshine)
Fae forged Vorpal Longsword
+7 4d8 Necrotic bolt
Slain turn into Fast Zombies
Control zombies within 100’
WIS 10 save vs. possession on any use
Tentacle Rod
+1 Nightstalker Dagger
+1 Ring of Protection
+1 Shield
Elven Chain Shirt
Wand of Web
Slippers of Spider Climbing
Flute of the Moon Goddess
Interrogation Kit
Drow House Eldacar Brooch
Drow House Despana Brooch x8
Scroll of Ritual Defilement, Components
Stranger’s Black Bible
Soul’s Cameo Locket
Pixie Corpse
Vial of Humanoid Blood x3
Wyvern x1
Drow x4
Simple x3
Arrows x6
Notable Items - Chet
+2 Dagger, Symbol of Drune Authority
+1 Ring of Protection
Skull Cap of Darkvision
Dwarven Head Medallion
- Allows the user to see through the eyes of any Dwarven statue in Kharak Azul
Wand of Paralyzation
Wand of Secrets
Bracers of Defense
Drunic Constellation Guide
Blood Hawk Spellbook
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Fog Cloud
Cloud of Daggers
Chromatic Orb
Flaming Sphere
Martack’s Spellbook: Volume 1
Waywalking (Ritual)
Burning Hands
Charm Person
Chromatic Orb
Color Spray
Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Disguise Self
Expeditious Retreat
False Life
Martack’s Spellbook: Volume 2
Alter Self
Arcane Lock
Blindness / Deafness
Cloud of Daggers
Continual Flame
Martack’s Spellbook: Volume 3
Animate Dead
Bestow Curse
Dispel Magic
Feign Death
Martack’s Spellbook: Volume 4
Arcane Eye
Conjure Minor Elementals
Control Water
Dimension Door
Martack’s Spellbook: Volume 5
Animate Objects
Bigby’s Hand
Cone of Cold
Conjure Elemental
Martack’s Spellbook: Volume 6
Arcane Gate
Chain Lightning
Circle of Death
Create Undead
Holdings - Witchlight Inn
Oil Painting 100gp x2
Crate of Exotic Spices x20
Salvaged Field Plate Armor x3
Holdings - Border Keep
- Elven Painting 200gp x4
Full Plate
Human x1
Dwarven x1
Chain Mail
Human x3
Elven x2
Leather Armor
- Human x7
Shield x14
Helmet x42
Dagger x9
Silver Dagger
Battleaxe x2
Mace x4
Sword x3
Elven Shortsword
Spear x51
Pole Arm x19
Short Bow x2
Crossbow x13
Arrow Quiver x11
Bolt Quiver x9