Witchwood Lore Snack

Nodal stones

The standing stones, obelisks, and circles scattered throughout the Witchwood were erected by the inhabitants of the woods in a long-forgotten age. Each holds some occult significance, but certain standing stones known as nodals connect to lines of otherworldly energy that runs through the Witchwood – the ley lines.

Each nodal stone acts as a teleportation circle, allowing arcane users to “walk the Fairie Road” and fast-travel to another nodal stone they have visited before – or the next one on the ley line.

Each nodal stone has a spell inscribed in Drunic on its mossy surface; arcane spellcasters can copy the spell into their spell book in a one-hour ceremony that costs no GP.

Ley lines

Paths of arcane energy that sustain the life of the land and intersect with the Fey Realm, major ley lines intersect in the Witchwood, suffusing the entire area with strange otherworldly magic. The ley line routes can only be perceived through experience.

The Drune

Moody, black-cloaked human occultists who wander the Witchwood, recording omens and seeking arcane power. The Drune can cast potent charms and wield green flame magic. They speak their own language and live in isolated cottages or hidden villages. It is said the Drune jealously guard the secrets of the nodal stones.