
  • PP 0

  • GP 2546

  • SP 5000

  • CP 0


  • Gold Circlet 150gp

  • Gold Bar 500gp

  • Damaged Crown 25gp

  • Silver Jewelry 320gp

  • Gem 100gp x6

  • Oil Painting 100gp x2

  • Elven Painting 200gp x4

  • Fae Green Gems 50gp x4

  • Silver Galactic Credits x1000

  • Crate of Exotic Spices x20


  • Traveler’s Map of the Region

  • Dungeon Map - Chamber of Souls™, Witchwood

  • Border Keep Map - Mad Hermit’s Tree, Caves of Chaos

Unclaimed Items

  • Potion of Greater Healing x2

  • Medpack x4

  • Potion of Cure Disease

  • Potion of Water Breathing

  • Dust of Disappearance

  • 200yo Corellian Brandy Keg x4

  • Unsent Letter from Lord Lockborn to General Maul

Notable Items - Beskar

  • +1 Longsword

  • Rocket Launcher 8d6 x2

  • Full Plate

  • +1 Chainmail

  • Beskar Ingot x2

  • Handy Haversack

  • Periapt of Health

  • Portable Power Cell

  • Blacksmith Tools

  • Black & Decker Tools

Notable Items - C’Nut

  • +1 Scimitar

  • +1 Arrow x16

  • Megaphone, double range on verbal Bard abilities

  • Lockpick Kit

  • Martack’s Journal

  • Dust of Sneezing and Choking

Notable Items - Niaelo

  • Nightstalker Dagger

  • Tentacle Rod

  • +1 Ring of Protection

  • Interrogation Kit

  • House Eldacar Brooch

  • Scroll of Ritual Defilement, Components

  • Poison

    • Wyvern x2

    • Drow x4

    • Simple x3

    • Arrows x6

Notable Items - Chet

  • Gem of Earth Elemental Summoning

  • Wand of Paralyzation

  • +1 Ring of Protection

  • Drunic Constellation Guide

  • Blood Hawk Spellbook

    • Mage Armor

    • Magic Missile

    • Shield

    • Alarm

    • Knock

    • Fog Cloud

    • Cloud of Daggers

    • Chromatic Orb

    • Flaming Sphere

Armory - Border Keep

  • Full Plate

    • Human x1

    • Dwarven x1

  • Chain Mail

    • Human x3

    • Elven x2

  • Leather Armor

    • Human x7
  • Shield x14

  • Helmet x42

  • Dagger x9

  • Silver Dagger

  • Battleaxe x2

  • Mace x4

  • Sword x3

  • Shortsword

  • Elven Shortsword

  • Spear x51

  • Pole Arm x19

  • Short Bow x2

  • Longbow

  • Crossbow x13

  • Arrow Quiver x11

  • Bolt Quiver x9