Trade Town – Pop. 650

The largest settlement on the wild northeastern edge of Westfalia, Trade Town is perched on the banks of the Hellroaring River on the side of the Royal Road.

During the height of the Westfalian Empire the Royal Road was a vital trade route, and Trade Town was a busy rest stop for merchants, settlers, and pilgrims on their way to and from the distant city of Asperol. But as the empire declined, so to did travel on the Royal Road, and now Trade Town is a sleepy frontier town struggling to reinvent itself as an “adventure travel destination.”

Trade Town exports helltrout from the Hellroaring River to Asperol and other parts of Westfalia, where the fish is considered a luxury. The helltrout is packed in ice and shipped overland in straw-filled crates. Armed guards often accompany these “fish wagons,” which are ripe targets for the desperate and greedy.

Outside the walls of Trade Town, local farmers, fishermen, and hunters live in huts and cabins within reach of shelter. In the woods and meadows surrounding the town, hardy homesteaders try to thrive in the hostile wilderness. Goblins, bandits, owlbears, wolves, and worse roam the darkness outside town.

Trade Town is technically the responsibility of Governor Gris’m, an imperial appointee through birthright, but in reality, the six-person Town Council runs the town. The town is about 80% human, 15% gnome, 5% other.

Highlights of the town include:

  • The Dancing Brony – A cozy queer-friendly tavern and inn with a gnome aesthetic

  • Mule Outfitters – An upscale general store for adventurers

  • Shrine Alley – A quiet street of shrines to different gods and spirits

  • The Icebox – A rough riverside tavern full of fishermen and drifters

  • The Old Mill – An old, fortified Tudor complex in the center of town holds the original traveler’s inn and moneychanger

  • Gatehouses – These quaint, ivy covered peaked towers watch each end of town

  • The Council Hall – Where the six-person town council meets

  • Notice Board – Outside the Council Hall public notices, help wanted ads, and bounties are posted.

  • Franz Bakery – A local landmark famous for scones and meat pies

  • Fish Market – Really a market for anything. Local fisherman and farmers sell their wares here.

  • Smithy – The dwarf blacksmith Grundle “Big G” Briarbeard and his team of nephews/apprentice smiths can fix armor, weapons, horseshoes, and wagon wheels. It is said Briarbeard possesses rare material and crafting knowledge.

  • Ice Sheds – Where blocks of ice are kept. Not to be confused with the Icebox nearby

  • Smoking Sheds – Outside of town, fishermen smoke and salt helltrout 24/7

  • Mill – This modest lumber mill lies outside town, cutting local trees into building material.

  • Tinker Tailor – A sophisticated haberdashery that carries gnome sizes.

  • Stockyard – Travelers can keep their teams and small herds in the pens here. Horses, mules, and pigs are for sale as well. Garth the Wagoneer and his lazy son Garthson operate their fishwagon out of a barn here.

  • Herbs & Healing – This discrete offers herbs, oils, and gnomish full body massages