Rumors and Info – 3/13/2024

Fuckhead Batallion. Several prominent NPCs in town are retired adventurers from a group called Fuckhead Battalion, who explored the lands to the North decades ago. Martak the Mighty, Grundle Briarbeard, and the deceased Lord Orm were prominent members. The Old Inn is run by the Orm family, and granddaughter Stacy Orm sits on the Town Council.

Legends of the North. The blind half-elf Martak recounted the perils of the lands north of Trade Town, including haunted woods, enchanted alps, and dungeons full of loot. They once killed a white dragon named Slytheris somewhere far north of town.

Underdark Portals. Steve Xorn, the deep gnome proprietor of Dancing Brony told Nialo that there were at least two entrances to the Underdark north of Trade Town; one entrance connected to a dwarven mine, and another entrance in a deep chasm in a forest.

Magic Brokers. The party found two sources of buying/liquidating magic items in town:

  • Steve Xorn acts as a magic items/rarities broker for Deepway Merchants, an Underdark trading company who visits Trade Town twice a year to buy/sell goods. He can buy magic items, components, and surface rarities from players.

  • Symon the Soothsayer is a gnome wizard/druid who runs the apothecary/magic shop Herbs ‘n Healing will sell low-level magic items and herbs to players. He is always looking for spell components.

Cave Mushrooms. A little girl at the Fish Market said that there were caves to the north “near an old keep” that had cave mushrooms. At least, that’s what her cousin said.