
The Spider Queen recognizes that might is always right, as I know you do too. Proving your strength and superiority over others is one of Her highest ideals, whether through ritual combat or other means. You’ve explained that you’re from another plane, or “galaxy” in your words, but I see a space for the Spider Queen in your heart while you’re here on this plane. She is the most powerful of the gods in this galaxy, and always rewards faithful acts in Her service. You don’t need to change your ways to be granted Her favor; I’ve seen you at work, and I believe She will accept you as you are. If you send a prayer Her way, there are many things you could be granted, perhaps even the location of your special steel. She knows all when it comes to the deep and dark places of this world afterall. There’s more, she rewards strength for its own sake. The strong in Her service grow stronger.

If you need help, Elli and I can help you contact Her. There’s no need to fret about abandoning your home world ways and rituals. I only ask that you consider Her while you’re here, it will surely benefit you and your quest.


I know you’ve heard of Lolth before, but I’ll ask you to put those thoughts aside just for just a while. The Dark Mistress is not what the lies of the traitor elves have told you in books and scrolls. Have you ever heard Her side of the story? Elli or I can tell you all about it, but I think there’s a better option. You should consider asking Her yourself. There’s more than history to be gained. She richly rewards acts in Her service, both with physical valuables and arcane knowledge. All of my arcane abilities are gifts from Her, and I believe with the proper devotion she could grant these to you as well.

If we shared a Dark Mistress, I could vouch for you when we make it to the Underdark and introduce you to Drow master mages. With Lolth’s blessing, they hold countless secrets and spells you’d never find on the surface. However, they would require some proof of faith. I can provide that if you send some prayers Her way. Just think of the power and knowledge you’d hold over all your peers. Evocations and conjurations they’d scarcely be able to fathom would be yours, to do with whatever you wish. Besides, I know you like powerful women, and none are more powerful than Her.


My friend C’Nut, I know I’ve mentioned the traitor elves before but I don’t think I’ve fully explained the history behind it all. The betrayal of Lolth and the Drow by the surface elves and Correlon is the most gripping, dramatic, and heart wrenching true story I’ve ever heard. It’s not something you’d ever hear outside the underdark, and even there few know all the details. That’s something I’d like to change, with your help.

I know how much you enjoy curating and telling stories, so I’d like to invite you to get the story from a primary source, Lolth Herself. Considering praying to her, Elli and I can help you if you’d like. You could hear the greatest story ever told, but what’s more, you could spread that story and its truth. People listen to your stories and music so much more than they’d ever listen to me. You’d be speaking for so many in the underdark who’ve never had their voice heard. Lolth’s known as the Spider Queen and Weaver because she weaves fates like you weave words. I think you have more in common with Her than you might think. There are so many stories she could tell you, if you’re open to listening.


Lolth has no use for someone tainted by the Hells. You’re still useful as a guide though. You should continue focusing on being useful.

Pox the Goblin

I command you to worship the Spider Queen.