
Since you’ve proven yourself a faithful servant of Lolth, I feel like I can confide in you about the greater purpose of the recent changes you’ve noticed. I believe faith is a tool and belief can be a weapon. In order to fully enact the Spider Queen’s will, I will betray her, for a time. I’ve learned much about Eilistraee, a daughter of Lolth, and traitor like the surface elves. She is the Moon Goddess of the temple in the far north of the Witchwood that Lolth commanded me to find and destroy.

The surface elves and other Eilistraee worshipers there will be strong, despite being traitors. I plan to fully gain their trust and destroy them from within. For them to trust me, they need to believe I’m sincere, so I will be. I will forsake Lolth, call on Eilistraee’s powers, and act in her name. The heretics will also look to you, Chet, C’Nut, and our reputation as well. It’s for that reason that the others must also believe I follow Eilistraee. I have letters and plans for them, but may need your help. If I’m unable to break free of my own lie at the appointed time after we reach the temple, you’ll know what to do. Lolth’s will be done!


There’s been a haze of confusion over me, and I believe you too, which I feel finally lifted now that we’re free of the Witchwood and the sleeping curse. You said something about me following Lolth, the evil Queen of Spiders; of dark rituals and sacrifices in the Witchwood’s depths. Your stories and paintings may reflect this in some way too. This must have been the influence of the now broken curse! I would never worship that evil goddess, let alone act in her name. This actually makes a lot of sense: I have notes in my own journal of dark things you did in the Witchwood as well. Something about being an acolyte of Bhaal, the god of murder? In hindsight it’s so clear that’s impossible. I hope this revelation puts you at ease.

We should share more about our goddesses, Lliira and Eilistraee. I’m curious to hear about your rites and think meeting one of them would be incredible. I know that to the far north in the Witchwood, there is a Temple to my Moon Goddess. The priestesses there would know how such a thing might be possible. Perhaps there we could meet Eilistraee together?


I desperately need guidance, and you're the only one I trust with something so delicate. Recent events have shaken me to my core; the darkness I once embraced now terrifies me, in contrast to Eilistraee’s light. I'm struggling to understand concepts like morality and goodness, but know they’re what I need. You've always seemed to navigate the line between virtue and vice. Your intelligence and worldly wisdom are exactly what I need right now. I'm hoping you can teach me and guide me about being "good".

I worry about my past actions and the reputation I've cultivated. I don’t wish to speak of “her” again, so please don’t mention Lolth to C’Nut or Beskar. It’s painful to think about what I’ve done, even so recently. There's more to discuss; we should catch up in person. Perhaps over a bottle of that surface elven wine you're so fond of? I appreciate your discretion about all of this so much, and am really looking forward to turning over a new leaf with your help. Eilistraee bless you!

Rick Rickwell

You left your catalog with me when we first met, and I finally got a chance to take a closer look. Could you tell me a bit more about these programs? Price is no object, personal growth in this area is very important to me right now.

  • From Darkness to Dazzle: A 30-Day Journey to Brightening Your Inner Light

  • Ethical Adventuring for Dummies: A Crash Course in Not Being Evil

  • Daggers to Daisies: A Florist's Guide to Replanting Your Moral Garden


You are in Her gaze and She never blinks.