Praise be to Eilistraee, for her hand guides us through these tumultuous times. Our journey continues, and with each step, I feel her influence growing stronger within me. One darkness fades while another grows.

We've left the Witchwood behind, at least for now. C'Nut has inherited Martack's tower, complete with feline caretakers and enchanted kitchenware. It's a strange place, and I can't help but feel a twinge of concern about leaving such arcane power in the hands of our bard. Hopefully Chet can keep some semblance of order. Speaking of Chet, he has learned a new spell from Martack's force ghost - "Waywalking." A codification of the magic he used intuitively to teleport us around the Witchwood. I need to remember to ask him to teach me when the time is right.

Councilwoman Stacey promised a reward to destroy the dread General Maul, the cause of the Gatekeeper Zombies that have been plaguing the land and just recently attacked Trade Town. We know he’s to the north in Bridgewater.

We were beset by zombies in the night, giving me a chance to channel my newly granted powers. The flames I called engulfed three of the undead, as well as Beskar. I felt uncomfortable, or somehow confused about hurting him. A strange feeling, guilt? But it’s nothing. Eilistraee's path is not always gentle.

The encounter with the giants was something. C'Nut's silver tongue proved useful once again, though the situation could have easily devolved into chaos and disaster. Still, his actions saved some lowly animals, which might serve some greater good. The frost circle left behind by the giants is concerning. It matches Chet's vision from long ago in Trade Town, suggesting a larger plot at work. The frost giant leader Hothgar spoke of a frost giant Jarl. Surely another enemy yet to reveal themselves.

Our confrontation with General Maul took an unexpected turn. Instead of the battle we had prepared for, C'Nut once again tried diplomacy. With the letter I’d kept from Lady Lockborn, we revealed the general had been betrayed by the Lockborns, specifically Lady Lockborn. He was distraught but ultimately believed us and declared his duty fulfilled. He dissolved into vapor like a ghost, taking whatever unlife that drove the zombies with him.

However, the aftermath was deeply troubling. Beskar claimed the general's cursed sword, calling it a relic of his people - the Darksaber. I tried to sway him away from it, but to no avail. This weapon has already caused untold suffering to the entire region, and any use risks unleashing that again. It goes against everything Eilistraee stands for - the bringing of light to darkness, the establishment of order in chaos.

Beskar's insistence on keeping the blade worries me. I fear he may be falling prey to the very chaos we seek to destroy. I need to find a way to guide him back to the path of order. He still has an important role to play in my plans.

May She continue to guide us through the uncertainty that surrounds us. I pray for the strength to uphold Her teachings and weave this world into an image of Her will, one disobedient strand at a time.