Matron Mother Aleval,

I'm not dead. Lolth willing, that will remain true by the time this letter reaches your hands.

I've been on the surface for nearly a month now and have grown much stronger through the trials I've faced. You'll be pleased when I return, but that must wait for Lolth's will to be done. The Spider Queen has tasked me with destroying a heretic here on the surface, who I believe to be near to the north at a place called the Lethean Well. I hear it's something of an Eladrin fortress, which will be a serious test of my skills and devotion.

This wretched forest, the Witchwood, is filled with fae, traitor elves, and barbaric human sorcerers called the Drune. Their magic clings to everything, a sickening corruption that seeps into my very bones. Yet, my faith in Lolth is unshakeable. Lately though, something else has been interfering with my connection to the Queen. There are evil powers at work here, but this interference feels… familiar, perhaps even Drow-like. I initially believed the heretic to be a traitor elf, but now I'm not so sure. Could it be another Drow? It's nearly impossible to tell what’s real in this abyss-forsaken fairy forest.

I have a group of surface-dwelling thralls under my command to aid me in my task: Beskar, a human cleric; C'Nut, a firbolg bard; and Chet, a human wizard. They are obedient, for males, mostly. To maintain my cover, I must tread carefully, showing them camaraderie and trust. Until I become stronger, I need their cooperation, but their motivations are as varied as they are shallow.

C'Nut grows more suspicious of me each day, his mind poisoned by the lies of his goddess. Why does everyone believe the surface elves? I must find a way to reveal the truth to him. An elven fortress called the Witchlight Inn is nearby, perhaps there he’ll see the evil they’ve wrought on the world. It’ll be useful to see their evil first hand myself. Of course I would never doubt the Temple’s teachings, but perhaps I can learn more about their treachery and weaknesses while I’m here on the surface.

Beskar is consumed by his lust for adamantine. We've heard of some nearby at the Iron Massif, and alas, my plan to lure him to Lolth through the promise of the metal has been ruined. There may be more at the Lost Duchy to the west. I also know of an entrance to the Underdark there, and Elliya, my trusted companion, has embarked on that path to deliver this message to you.

Chet desires only treasure, and perhaps attention. He may prove the easiest to sway and maybe, through him, I can bring the others back under my influence.

This entire forest is cursed many times over, though I believe I possess the means to break one of the layers, should the need arise. Over a century ago, every creature not of elven or Drune blood was ensnared in a magical sleep. I now possess the Song of Dawn, the key to their awakening. It must be sung at a specific standing stone in Drune Hollow. Surely, dispelling this curse would weaken the fae magic that infests this place? Curiously, my thralls seem to have little interest in doing this.

Enemies abound and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Lolth's will be done.

Your faithful daughter,

Niaelo Aleval