The group travels to the Lost Duchy of Paravor in search of magical secrets, earthly riches, and a particular item for Glenda the Green. Outside the city, we find an old farmer who tells us that Paravor has fallen on troubled times. The Duke and his men seek out Bregels and Cobbins for sport, but the Duke’s grasp on reality seems more tenuous every day. And there are rumors that a group of outlanders murdered an entire squad of Reaver Knights. We definitely don’t know anything about that.
Inside the city walls, the party makes a quick survey of the central square and market. A suspicious man, and follower of the Stranger, the god of travel and murder, sells Niaelo some trinkets in exchange for some of the loose loot the group has acquired. They both promise to look out for each other on the road and make their next meeting lethally memorable.
Niaelo heads off to another merchant to sell some more things while the rest of the group makes their way to the local inn. Inside, a disguised C’Nut causes a scene by ordering a round of drinks for everyone and shouting about looking for work in the mines. An earnest young knight, Sir Elton, comes over to thank C’Nut and tells him that a group like his should speak to Cedrick, the court wizard. The mines are no place for folk who have any way to avoid them.
Chet chats up some dwarven miners enjoying their pint from C’Nut, asking about entrances to the lower levels of the city and ruins beneath. The dwarves are reluctant but give Chet a map revealing two entrances, for a small fee. There aren’t any rumors of drow or incursions from the underdark, but they do warn of dwarven automatons that may still stalk the halls.
Niaelo returns to the group, appearing at their table out of nowhere thanks to her new powers of invisibility. Reunited, the party discusses next steps. Clearly Cedrick is important, but there’s some question of whether to speak with him or just take the city by force. Beskar notices a bard has been looking in our direction and has been eavesdropping. Finnegan is easily intimidated into silence, but manages to ask to tag along with us to Understone Keep.
The group departs without further delay, telling the guards at the
entrance to the Keep they seek an audience with the Court Wizard.
Eventually, the guard relents and takes us to the audience hall where
the Duke of Paravor is holding court. The Duke is initially displeased
that outsiders sought an audience with his wizard and not him. C’Nut and
the bard Finnegan put on an impressive performance which eases the
rising tension; next Chet and Niaelo assuage his fears that we’re
dangerous outlanders. The Duke seeks to know more about the outside
world and if we know anything about his Reaver Knight’s murderers. His
best men are out on patrol seeking them. We certainly know nothing about
Satisfied, the Duke calls in the Court Wizard Cedrick, who takes us back to his laboratory. As an elf, he was spared from the sleeping curse and spent those hundred years unlocking the secrets of Dwemermancy, which allows him to control the ancient spider and sphere automatons that guard the city. He’s quite open with us about wanting to overthrow the Duke, install someone else (perhaps us) as competent rulers, all while maintaining the status quo as it pertains to him and his work. To gather our strength, he suggests we delve into the ruins below the city, the dwarven city of Kharak Azul, for magical artifacts.
Being adventurers and not yet having a solid plan to overthrow the local government, we agree to head down below. Lethal traps, stifling darkness, secret doors, and crumbling ruins greet us as we make our way deeper below. Evidence of the ancient battle mentioned by Cedrick between the dwarves and drow is everywhere.
In a massive dwarven throne room we hear the sounds of hammering and forgework. On closer inspection, we see there are chaos dwarves working an ancient master forge next to the throne. They’re heavily armored, heavily armed, and not happy to see Beskar despite his dwarven greetings. These are powerful foes on an excursion from the underdark.
A deadly battle ensues between the brave adventurers and the evil chaos dwarves. C’Nut peppers our foes with deadly arrows and provides the inspiration to push on. Beskar locks blades with multiple dwarves, blocking their advance, but taking serious wounds in the process. Niaelo calls out to her true goddess, Lolth, and summons a greater demon to crush our foes.
Chet is stricken with fear between the dwarven onslaught, raging demon, and general chaos of combat. Nonetheless, his spells wither down some of the dwarves and the group is eventually victorious, despite serious wounds to both Beskar and Niaelo. The rest of Kharak Azul awaits, surely filled with more dangers and treasures to match.