C’Nut befriends some fae-touched squirrels that know where a nearby human settlement is. He gives them a self portrait and some goodberries for their help.

Chet spends time studying the Babbling Rock Standing Stone and transcribes its secrets into his spellbook. After some further cartographic work, he’s able to map out the ley lines and stops on the Fairy Road.

Niaelo is disguised again as a traitor elf but seriously struggles with the overwhelming fae energy in the Witchwood. Her paranoia convinces Beskar we’re beset by enemies in all directions.

Down the road, C’Nut starts a bardic battle with Clive the Woodgrue. Thoroughly impressed, Clive tells the party that a beautiful fairy lady said, “The only way to lift the veil of sleep is through song”. He tells us he’s been playing songs to the many sleeping denizens of the Wood, without success, for nearly a hundred years.

After leaving Clive, we continue to the Happy Hollow, a small village. We’re greeted by four sleepwalking knife wielding children, mind controlled by a half crow, half man fairy called a Gloam. Niaelo is stabbed by a child and the Gloam proves difficult to kill after turning into a swarm of crows.

After the battle, Nialeo prays to Lolth for guidance and is answered by a dark soothing song. However, an unknown drow goddess intrudes at the very end. Her song is lighter and hopeful. Niaelo believes she’s losing her mind.

The next morning, we see that the Chamber of Souls is nearby and go to investigate. Beskar tromps directly through a field of toxic mushrooms and is severely poisoned. The group nonetheless makes it to the entrance of the Chamber.

Inside, four stone knights attack but are quickly dispatched. The inner chamber is the tomb of a king, guarded by a Barbed Devil. Nialeo convinces the devil to show her the treasure he protects in exchange for fae souls. He reveals a beautiful scroll containing a magic song. C’Nut holds the devil’s attention with another bardic battle, while Chet turns invisible and steals the scroll. We leave without incident, the devil none the wiser.

Could this song be the key to breaking the sleeping curse?