I revealed to my companions my true heritage last night. I spun them a tale of poor Niaelo, refugee from the underdark and the vicious, dark ways of my kin, the Drow. It seemed best to reveal something to them, now that we’ve finally left Trade Town on our first excursion. They would certainly find out at some point given our proximity, and better that it’s on my own terms in a situation I control. And it’s hard to say how it could have gone better, besides them debasing themselves at my feet, perhaps. Chet aside, they just don’t know anything of my people so I can overlook that for now.

Beskar was quick to ask about some mythical beast and magic ores; we have magical ores in the underdark, true enough. Beasts as well, though nothing I’ve heard of matches his description of a “Mythosaur”. C’Nut was curious as ever, intent to learn more of a different culture. He could be quite valuable to spread Her word, and I’m sure he’d be more than willing to hear it. Chet was shocked, suspicious as he may have been, surely he didn’t suspect that I was in his midst. That’s a situation I’m glad for, he knows our ways and will surely put together the implication if word carries that the Wild Stallions are consorting with Drow. Threats were hardly necessary though, they acted as though they accepted me. Beskar and C’Nut certainly, they’re outsiders like myself. Surely it’s all naivete, not something so foolish as trust?

Our guide Martinque reacted as expected, terrified and trembling. Honestly it was delightful to see. But she won’t speak of this either, she knows better.

Ah, but a guide, what is this about? We left Trade Town yesterday after wrapping up our business and choosing a guide to lead us beyond the known. Chet returned from whatever foray he left on, and proceeded to “astral project” with Symon the Soothsayer over a pipe of leaf. He reported visions of Frost Giants pillaging a village in similar terrain as Trade Town, using some kind of teleportation circle deep in the mountains of the Iron Vale. Curious, but also perhaps drug fueled nonsense. I introduced everyone to Elliya Lolthu too, Elli as they know her. Eight strong legs, a sleek body, and shining eyes black as the Abyss. Beautiful Elli, how I adore you already. Together, we’ll spread Her will to this land.

We left for the North with Martinque, a tiefling ranger. She claims to know forests well, and we intend to make our way to the Witchwood first. After the first day’s travel, we made it to a seemingly innocuous copse, thinking to spend the night under the trees. A wyvern had other ideas, and attacked us before we made it to cover. We’re a strong group though. Our magic blasted the beast from the sky and finished the task with minor fuss. I suppose the ranger was nearly killed, and Beskar terribly wounded. But I was unharmed. Elli did wonderfully, sinking her fangs into the creature and letting it taste her poison. I’ve seen wyvern poison before, but never the creature until now. Powerful, dangerous, and vicious; a worthy foe.

In the thing’s nest, we found several treasures, most unusual of which is a Tentacle Rod held by a Drow of House Eldacar. The thing reeks of heresy, of the wretched Ghaunadaur, the ooze god. Perhaps she held it as a trinket as I do now? If she turned her back on Lolth for Ghaunadaur however, she deserves much worse than that wyvern gave her. I’ll need to seek Her guidance. It’s a powerful item, but I will not have my hands stained by filth, if that’s what it is. And Eldacar, where have I heard that name before?

The next day we continued north and found the Border Keep, a formidable stronghold long fallen to disrepair. The ranger said it was used by bandits, orcs, and the undead. True enough, Elli found several frantic zombies in the outer bailey while scouting. We were able to avoid them however and made it to the keep without issue. I know little of the undead, but what we found inside was… something else. Chet called it a banshee, the rest were clearly skeletons of some variety. The creature’s scream tugged at my soul, but Lolth’s favor enwebbed both Elli and myself and turned the force of the attack. The others survived as well, and we have a fair place to rest before continuing to the Witchwood. The keep itself is in better condition than the outer baileys. Some goblin thralls would clean this place up nicely. The others wanted human and gnome thralls, which I can abide, but also to pay them and call them hirelings? I don’t understand.

Regardless, our next stop will be at the forest’s edge, and then we’ll push on to the Witchlight Inn. Adventure awaits.