I feel sick. The weight of the fae magic surrounding us here in the Witchwood is nearly overwhelming. It permeates everything - the enormous oaks and sequoias that reach as far as the eye can see, the verdant grasses and flowers covering the forest floor, the bizarre animals flitting between branches and shrubs. All vibrant, vital, and drenched in corruption. I’ve never seen a place so wholly and irredeemably cursed. Only the surface elves and the fae could achieve something like this, and from what the group has gathered, that’s exactly what happened here.

Leading up to all of this, Lolth came to me in the Border Keep. She told me directly that I’m Her Chosen Daughter on the surface and tasked me with vanquishing a false daughter in the Witchwood. I’ve never felt so blessed, so filled with purpose. To know that She sees me, even in this cursed place, is comforting. At the same time, there’s so much I need to learn about Her task and this place.

The group prepared for a few days before leaving the Border Keep. Chet spoke with Oneus the Sage and learned that arcane “ley lines” crisscross the Witchwood, connected by standing stones. We confirmed earlier today that these can be used to teleport to set locations. But more on that later. Oneus said that each stone has unique inscriptions and requirements for use. C’Nut spent some time training our thrall, Pox the Goblin, to make tea and coffee. I don’t trust the creature around food, but it appears the others might. Framing the goblin for poisoning a guest could be useful. Beskar spent time at the forge while I prepared Her shrine in the lower level.

I also gave letters to my companions, telling them each in a personal way they should consider letting Lolth into their hearts. It appears that C’Nut and Chet are honestly interested, which is encouraging. Beskar however, who I thought surely would be the most likely to agree, replied with a cryptic letter of his own. It was filled with references to “excellence” and “righteous vibes”, but I cannot tell what he means these things in relation to. His gods? Lolth? Something else? Nothing at all?

Regardless, with our preparations complete we set out to Northbridge from the Keep about a day ago. The place used to be a village of sorts, but had been burned to the ground. There was little of note besides a goblin and troll duo who called themselves Min and Max. C’Nut was able to convince them to admit they’d waylaid the wagon they were next to. Apparently they planned to eat the dead after looting their bodies. I suppose this is what the surface dwellers get for not putting the lesser creatures in their place. We slew them both and went on our way.

A few hours later we made it to the forest’s edge. What we’d thought was mist was actually an enormous wall of webs - perhaps 100’ tall and miles long, encompassing the entire Witchwood. Prayer told me two deeply disturbing things: the webs were not made by Her children, but actually a powerful fae conjuration. And despite that some of Her children have betrayed Her will. Spiders disobeying the Spider Queen? I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but heretics must be punished, even if it's one of Her sacred children.

The web proved to be impassable, so we continued down a trail to the east searching for another entrance. Instead of that, we found a ritual in progress between a Drunic druid, some horrid plant monsters, and a massive standing stone. It was clear the druid was activating the stone, to travel who knows where within the webs. C’Nut tried to speak with him, but druid and the plants quickly attacked. He must have sensed the danger I posed because he blasted me with green lightning. My head spinning, I remember a shower of vicious spines flying my way and then nothing. Next Beskar was over me, pulling me to my feet from a pool of blood. Illusions and trickery! I cursed the druid in Her name and blasted a hole through his chest as punishment for his manipulation.

Despite his death, the ritual completed of its own accord and we were teleported here. We don’t know where we are exactly, but I believe Chet can figure it out from a tome on the druid. Perhaps with that and Martack’s journal, we can make our way to the Witchlight Inn next.