The Witchwood Inn

The Awakening

As dawn breaks over the mystical Witchwood, the adventurers find themselves at the Witchwood Inn, a once-abandoned haven now stirring with life. Stella, the gnomish proprietor, and her staff are awakening from a century-long slumber, disoriented but alive, thanks to the adventurers’ efforts.

Stella, clad in a lovely gown, approaches the group with gratitude. “I am Stella, the proprietor of this inn. It seems we have you to thank for our awakening,” she says, her voice filled with awe.

Dave, Austin, Bart Lee Staker, and Chet nod in acknowledgment. They explain how they thwarted a band of murderous drow who had intended to bury the inn’s residents alive.

Reviving the Community

Bart wastes no time setting up his forge within the old castle’s tower. Simple John, a towering, gentle giant with a knack for blacksmithing, joins him. Together, they begin crafting tools and weapons for the reawakened villagers, transforming the forge into the heart of the community's revival.

Austin, wary of the villagers’ suspicion, adopts a low profile. By day, he picks wildflowers and entertains children with minor magical tricks. By night, he performs dark rituals at his secret altar in the wine cellar.

Strategic Planning

Dave suggests exploring the castle ruins to find a more secluded spot for Austin’s altar. The group agrees, seeing the potential for uncovering ancient secrets and securing a safer location for Austin's rituals.

Meanwhile, Stella expresses her need for supplies to sustain the inn. The adventurers promise to help, marking safe routes and discussing the use of their magical stones to facilitate trade with the outside world.

Encounter with the Witch

An Unexpected Visitor

As the group prepares to explore the ruins, they are approached by a stately, elderly woman named Glenda, who introduces herself as a witch of the Witchwood. Her presence exudes an aura of ancient power, and her eyes hold the wisdom of ages past .

“I have sensed a disturbance,” Glenda says, her voice resonating with authority. “The Hook Horrors have been awakened. They lurk in the depths of the castle ruins. You must deal with them before they wreak havoc on this land.”

The adventurers nod, understanding the gravity of the situation. They gather their weapons and prepare to face the monstrous Hook Horrors.

The Battle with the Hook Horrors

The Ambush

Venturing into the dark, narrow passages of the castle ruins, the group hears the distinctive clicking of Hook Horrors echoing through the halls. Austin alerts the others, and they brace for battle as the monstrous creatures emerge from the shadows.

First Strike

Chet steps forward, hurling a bejeweled skull into the air. The magical artifact glows ominously as it strikes the nearest Hook Horror, causing it to shriek in pain.

Bart raises his blaster and fires a burst of radiant energy, hitting the creature squarely. Despite the damage, the Hook Horrors climb the walls and ceilings, preparing for a devastating ambush from above.

Team Coordination

Austin channels his arcane energy, unleashing a series of Eldritch Blasts. The beams of crackling energy strike one of the Hook Horrors, critically wounding it. Dave and Bart coordinate their attacks, focusing on the injured creature to bring it down quickly.

Critical Hits

As the Hook Horrors retaliate, one slashes at Bart, leaving a deep gash on his arm. Ignoring the pain, Bart fights back with unwavering resolve. Austin summons a spectral weapon, which slices through the attacking creature, causing it to retreat.

Fierce Combat

The Hook Horrors continue their assault, but the adventurers respond with equal determination. Bart’s hammer lands a crushing blow on one creature, while Chet’s arcane energy pulses through another, causing it to collapse lifelessly.

The Turn of the Tide

With one Hook Horror defeated, the adventurers press their advantage. Austin casts another spell, sending a bolt of fiery energy towards the remaining monster. The explosion of sparks and chitin signals the creature's demise.

Bart and Dave, working in tandem, deliver the final blows to the last Hook Horror. The monstrous form crumples to the ground, lifeless.


The adventurers, though battered and bruised, stand triumphant. They catch their breath, their bond strengthened by the shared ordeal. The Hook Horrors lie defeated, their threat neutralized.

The Witch Reveals Her True Form

A Shocking Transformation

As the adventurers regroup, Glenda steps forward once more. “You have done well,” she says. “Now, I must show you my true form.”

Green smoke swirls around her as she begins to transform. The adventurers watch in awe and apprehension as Glenda morphs into a magnificent, winged green dragon, growing from horse-sized to an enormous, adult dragon with a 60-foot wingspan .

“My name is not Glenda,” she declares. “It is Venetaxus, the Green. I was born 125 years ago at the dawn of the Border Wars.”

The adventurers stand in stunned silence as Venetaxus continues, explaining how she has searched for a century for the Staff of Croes, an artifact that holds the key to defeating her rivals and unlocking her true power .

With a mighty squeeze, Venetaxus cracks the Staff of Croes, releasing a thunderclap of energy that reverberates through the ruins. “I owe it all to you,” she says, looking down at the adventurers with her gleaming green eyes. “I will remember you all in the days to come” ​(GMT20240719-013152_Reco…)​.

Investigation of the Cave

Exploring the Ruins

With the immediate threat eliminated, the adventurers turn their attention to the deeper parts of the castle ruins. They hope to find a more secure location for Austin’s altar and uncover any hidden secrets the ruins may hold.

Discovering the Hidden Chamber

Venturing deeper into the labyrinthine corridors, the group stumbles upon a hidden chamber. The air is thick with ancient magic, and the walls are adorned with faded runes and symbols. In the center of the chamber stands an old, desecrated altar, perfect for Austin’s needs .

Uncovering Ancient Secrets

As they explore the chamber, they find old scrolls and artifacts hinting at the castle's storied past. Dave carefully examines the runes, deciphering their meanings and piecing together the history of the ruins.

Securing the Altar

Austin, grateful for the discovery, sets to work consecrating the altar for his dark rituals. The secluded location ensures privacy, away from the prying eyes of the villagers.

Return to the Inn

The adventurers return to the Witchwood Inn, their mission accomplished. They inform Stella of their success, and she expresses her gratitude, promising to support their endeavors.


A New Beginning

With the Hook Horrors defeated and the community of the Witchwood Inn revitalized, the adventurers prepare for the next chapter of their journey. The bonds they have forged and the trials they have overcome strengthen their resolve.

As night falls over the Witchwood, the inn is once again a place of warmth and safety, its hearth glowing with the promise of a brighter future. The adventurers, knowing that many challenges still lie ahead, take solace in their hard-earned victory and the camaraderie they share.

Together, they face the unknown, ready to protect and rebuild this enchanted land.